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Meg Brookes, the Magdalena Project's treasurer, announces a new donations system that allows regular monthly or annual donations as well as one-off payments.
Documentation of the work of Josefina Báez has recently been added to the Latino Arts and Activisms Collection at Columbia University. The archive includes photographs of her work and tours and her own photography, as well as documentation of the work of her theatre company, Ay Ombe Theater, and her students and collaborators.
Saturday the 26th of November I gave back the key of Særkærparken 144, Holstebro, Denmark.
Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium-Odin Teatret, the theatre where I arrived in 1976, is no longer my home.
With Odin Teatret and Eugenio Barba, I officially leave Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium on the 1st of December 2022.