Tra Laico e Profano
Between Secular and Profane - Commedia e Tragedia dell'Arte
28 December 2021 to 31 January 2022
Auditorium Hall of the ex hydroelectric power plant "Antonio Pitter". Via Alessandro Volta, 27 - Malnisio - Montereale Valcellina (PN) Italy
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A cycle of presentations on the theatrical, poetic and artistic resilience
Organized by the Municipality of Montereale Valcellina
in collaboration with Ortoteatro and Porto Arlecchino
A cycle of presentations on the theatrical, poetic and artistic resilience that will last from December 28, 2021 to January 31, 2022 with presentations of books dedicated to theater and music, concerts and staged readings, theatrical and dance performances, lectures on the art of the actor in the Comedy and Tragedy of Art, all set in the evocative setting of the new cultural center of the Centrale of Malnisio.
The first two appointments of December 2021 are an end-of-year greeting to Dante's anniversaries, with two appointments that will reveal some little-known aspects and not lacking in some funny and ironic aspects of Dante Alighieri's variegated "Comedia". You can also read below the entire program for January 2022 dedicated to the themes of women's emancipation and memory against all wars.
We are waiting for you - Don't miss it!
And spread the news!
Free entrance with prior reservation
Each event will be held in compliance with the anti covid regulations in force
PROGRAMME: Tuesday 28 December 2021 - 8:30 pm LA UMANA COMMEDIA DI ARLECCHINO (THE HUMAN COMEDY OF HARLEQUIN) Theatrical conference with iconographic screenings by and with Claudia Contin Arlecchino Music by Luca Fantinutti Thursday 30th December 2021 - 8.30 pm INFIER (INFERNO/HELL) A theatrical concert in the furlane language Adaptation and narrator: Stefano Rizzardi Live music: Arno Barzan - Commentary: Paolo Patui Sunday 09 January 2022 - 4:30 pm NÉ SERVA NÉ PADRONA (NEITHER MAID NOR MISTRESS) Droll conference on female emancipation by and with Claudia Contin Arlecchino Music by Luca Fantinutti Sunday 23 January 2022 - 4:30 pm LO SCARPONE DELLA PACE (THE BOOT OF PEACE) Debut - dedicated to the memory against every war by and with Claudia Contin Arlecchino Music by Luca Fantinutti from 23rd to 31st January 2022 ANIME DI FILO SPINATO (BARBED WIRE SOULS) Memorial Art Installation Sculptures in the air by Mauro Fornasier sdownload the complete descriptive programme |
Informations and reservations:
Municipality of Montereale Valcellina
tel. +39 0427.798782
Communication by
Porto Arlecchino
Study of Theater Art and Craft
mobile: +39.340.3739958 - +39.342.1675465
address: Via Meduna 61 - 33170 Pordenone PN Italy