New books from KT press

KT press, publisher of the feminist art journal n.paradoxa, announces two new books now available to purchase at
Fran Cottell
The House Projects
£25 (UK/Europe) / £35 (USA, RoW)
ISBN: 9780992693442.
120 pages, 100+ illus., PRINT book only
225mm (w.) x 275mm (h.) x 9mm (d.)
Katy Deepwell (editor)
50 Feminist Art Manifestos
£14.99 (UK/Europe) / £19.99 (USA, RoW)
ISBN: 9780992693466
168 pages, PRINT version
148 mm (h.) x 210mm (w.) x 12mm (d.)
(Jan 2022)
More details about the two new books:
Katy Deepwell (editor): 50 Feminist Art Manifestos
This anthology contains the original manifestos of 50 women artists/feminist groups/feminist protests from around the world, 1965 to the present.
Introductory essay by Katy Deepwell, with notes on each manifesto.
This is an expanded and updated print copy of Feminist Art Manifestos: An Anthology (KT press, 2014, .epub version) which had 35 manifestos and was only available electronically.
What is a manifesto? A political programme, a declaration, a definitive statement of belief. Neither institutional mission statement, nor religious dogma; neither a poem, nor a book. As a form of literature, manifestos occupy a specific place in the history of public discourse as a means to communicate radical ideas. Distributed as often ephemeral documents, as leaflets or pamphlets in political campaigns or as announcements of the formation of new parties or new avant-gardes, manifestos above all declare what its authors are for and against, and ask people who read them to join them, to understand, to share these ideas. The feminist art manifestos in this anthology do all of these things as they explore the potential and possibilities of women's cultural production as visual artists. Reading these manifestos together provides important insights not only into the author’s/artist’s views but the beliefs and attitudes of feminists working in contemporary art over the last 50 years.
Manifestos by: Yvonne Rainer - Mierle Laderman Ukeles - Agnes Denes - Michele Wallace - Nancy Spero - Monica Sjoo and Anne Berg - Rita Mae Brown - VALIE EXPORT - Carolee Schneemann - Feminist Film and Video Organisations - Klonaris and Thomadaki - Kate Walker - Z.Budapest, U.Rosenbach, S.B.A.Coven - Ewa Partum - Women Artists of Pakistan - Chila Kumari Burman - Gisela Breitling - Riot Grrl - EVA and Co. - VNS MATRIX - Xu Hong - Violetta Liagatchev - OLD BOYS NETWORK - Lily Bea Moor - Dora Garcia - SubRosa - ORLAN - Rhani Lee Remedes - Factory of Found Clothes - Feminist Art Action Brigade - Mette Ingvartsen – ARCO - YES! Association/Föreningen JA! - Arahmaiani - Elke Krystufek - Guerrilla Girls - Julie Perini - Elizabeth M Stephens and Annie M. Sprinkle - Lucia Tkacova and Anetta Mona Chisa - Linda Mary Montano - Lenka Clayton - Silvia Ziranek - Alexandra Pirici and Raluca Voinea - Representatives of Prague Art Institutions - n i i c h e g o d e l a t - Gluklya (Natalia Pershina -Jakimanskaya) - Not Surprised - Permanent Assembly of Women Art Workers - Feminist Art and Architecture Collective - MANIFIESTO NO, NEIN, NIET !!!!!
Fran Cottell Fran Cottell: The House Projects
Over the last twenty years Fran Cottell has produced a series of increasingly provocative live installations displaying the contents, visitors and occupants of her house as offsite projects for CGPLondon, (now Southwark Park Galleries 2001-11) and Raven Row (56 Artillery Lane 2017).The House Projects are a series of time-based art works that question how to show everyday ephemeral live experiences outside the fixed frame of the art institution in order to preserve life, or rather the breath of ‘aliveness’. In the spirit of an active and lively conversation, her work seeks to challenge fixed hierarchies to produce a dynamic democracy in which everyone changes and exchanges points of view. Through substantial visual documentation, this book traces key ideas behind Fran Cottell’s House Projects, 2001-2017 (ongoing). Introduced by the artist’s own reflective account of producing these interventions, the book also includes responses from visitors and collaborators as well as family members and an essay by Katy Deepwell.
Fran Cottell, an artist based in London, is a Senior Lecturer at Camberwell College of Arts. She studied Fine Art at the University of Reading and Goldsmiths College. She has a background in painting, public art and feminist, clothing, environmental, domestic and curatorial projects; producing performance and installations since the 1970s. She has featured in performance art festivals, exhibited and lectured about her work worldwide. Her work has been presented at the Architectural Association, South London Gallery, Whitechapel Gallery, Camden Art Centre, London, Ulster Museum, Belfast, the Ikon Gallery, Birmingham and other institutions nationally.
Recent projects include the installation Hi PERFORMANCE/FLOAT for the CHOHW’s (Come Hell or High Water) Holding the Foreshore, Limehouse, a performance: The Swimming Pool for You Burn Me Freud Museum, 2020 London and Archive material for Exercising Freedom: Experiments in Art and Education at Whitechapel Gallery. October 5 2020- 21 March 2021
Recent publications: FranCottell/Julia Kristeva for ‘Salon For A Speculative Future’ Edited by Monika Oechsler with Sharon Kivland MA BIBLIOTHEQUE 2020.
With Marianne Mueller: chapter. From Pain to Pleasure: Panopticon Dreams and Pentagon Petal, BENTHAM and the ARTS. UCL PRESS 2020 and chapter ‘From House to Square: Three Social Spatial Experiments, ‘Architecture in Effect : Rethinking the Social in Architecture: Making Effects’. Actar 2018.
Katy Deepwell is editor of KT press ( and Professor of Contemporary Art, Theory and Criticism at Middlesex University.