The Chivanhu Project

“It is my dream to give something back to my home country by building a place to preserve traditional music and Shona culture”
Stella Chiweshe
The Chivanhu Centre aims to preserve, deepen and promote traditional mbira culture, passing it on to the next generation through the practice and teaching of music as well as related dance, singing and craft. Chivanhu means ‘humanity’ in the Shona language and the Chivanhu Centre will be a public facility: a space of learning, expression and encounter between children, young people, elders and musicians.
Stella Chiweshe and her team are launching a crowdfunding campaign from November 19 to December 21, to raise 24,000 EUR for Chivanhu’s infrastructure. You can check our crowdfunding pre-launch page, including a short video about the project and the centre:
And we’ve just started a Facebook page – do look and like:
More information is available on Stella’s website: