Commedia dell'Arte Stage
with Claudia Contin
11 September 2020 to 13 September 2020
Laboratorio Artaud, Padua, Italy
Web site:
to the one and only workshop in Italy by
after the 2020 lockdown
A practice meeting on the Commedia dell'Arte
to stretch bones, muscles, heart and mind
in full safety and in the name of the health of the comic actor's art
dedicated to the health of all people and society
Below all info and contacts.

A great return, for a full-immersion weekend in a theatrical training on the practices, techniques and movements of masks and actors of the Commedia dell'Arte. A path guided by the first female actress playing Harlequin in Italy and at the same time professional maskmaker, who has received national and international awards and has been absent from the theatrical teaching in the city of Padua for 13 years. This three day practical didactic workshop is the first one that Claudia Contin Arlecchino holds after the lockdown 2020 and is the only one currently scheduled in Italy for the whole of September, before the resumption of her tour abroad. Don't miss the opportunity to discover or deepen, in this theater workshop in Padua, this effective method of training in the art of the comic actor and the archetypal behavior of the most famous Italian masks.
Project organized by Laboratorio Artaud and Masckas Project
in collaboration with the city committee of Borgo Porteo Finis Populus
artistic direction by Alfredo De Venuto
Commedia dell'Arte Training Camps
Commedia dell'Arte Training Camps
info & registrations: cell. +39 338.2160833 - +39 349.2107941 - e-mail info_laboratorioartaud@yahoo.com
Weekend in September, 11 to 13, 2020 - timetable: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Outdoor areas in Piazza Portello - Padua PD - Italy
(Commedia dell'Arte practices and techniques)
conducted by Claudia Contin Arlecchino with the assistance of Luca FantinuttiPORTO ARLECCHINO - PORDENONE, ITALY
The practical lessons will take place outdoors
with the necessary spacing and health protection precautions,
part on dance floors and part on cobblestones of the square,
such as in the truest of street theaters
The program, calibrated on the short three-day monographic course, includes: 1) pre-heating setting of the grotesque physical deformations of the Commedia dell'Arte; 2) the basic neutral of the mimetic body and the expressive character fascia in the grotesque body; 3) the physical behaviour of some of the main archetypes of the Commedia dell'Arte; 4) postures and walks of Harlequin, Pantalone, Balanzone, Zanni, Pulcinella, Captain and many others; 5) Actor training in the Commedia dell'Arte; 6) personalization of the relationship between body, voice, face and mask; 7) advice and experiments for the use of the grotesque in contemporary theatre. |
"Neither servant nor mistress" by Claudia Contin Arlecchino, Forme Libere Edition 2015.
"La Umana Commedia di Arlecchino" by Claudia Contin Arlecchino, Forme Libere Edition 2017.
"Gli Abitanti di Arlecchinia" by Claudia Contin Arlecchino, Forme Libere Edition 2019.
"Groteske Komödie" AA.VV. edited by Rudi Risatti, KHM-Theatermuseum Vienna, Ed. Hollitzer 2019.
"Borgo Porteo in Commedia"
The project foresees the organization and execution of the Training Camps in the special context of Piazza Portello in Padua. This is an opportunity to bring the activities of the show to the outdoor areas of special interest. The "Borgo Porteo Finis Populus" City Committee has recently been founded in Padua, in the district called 1 Centro, and its aim is to revitalize the Portello university district, which has become almost a desert due to the recent health emergency that has driven away students and teachers from High Schools and Universities, previously assiduous visitors of clubs, bars, copy shops, bookshops. The Portello is one of the oldest and most historical districts of Padua, where you can find the large Piazza Portello with the arched door as a scenic backdrop. Piazza Portello deserves to be enhanced more than in the past, with quality activities and events to entertain both the local and touristic public. This first project of the "Training Camps on Commedia dell'Arte", intends to bring back to Piazza Portello the awareness of the skills connected to the ancient manual crafts around the performing arts. In particular, the focus on the Commedia dell'Arte is inspired by the famous discovery of the early twentieth century, by Dr. Ester Cocco in the Notarial Archives of Padua, of what is considered the first legal document for the foundation of a Fraternal Company of Comedians, drawn up in Padua on February 25, 1545. Thanks to the Cantieri di Formazione, in the summer of 2020 the ancient professions of mask-makers and comedians using masks can be revived and transmitted to the new generations, right in the heart of Padua, which was the birthplace of several ancient companies.
Laboratorio Artaud
Theatrical Research Centre
Via Cornaro, 1 (ex-abattoir), 35128 Padua - Italy
Cell: +39.338.2160833 - +39.349.2107441
Info & registrations: info_laboratorioartaud@yahoo.com
Web Site: laboratorioartaud.org
Theatrical Research Centre
Via Cornaro, 1 (ex-abattoir), 35128 Padua - Italy
Cell: +39.338.2160833 - +39.349.2107441
Info & registrations: info_laboratorioartaud@yahoo.com
Web Site: laboratorioartaud.org