
This website is in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and some Urdu content. Here's how it happens, and how you can help.

Who does the translating?

All translation is done on a voluntary basis. If you would like to help, please email The current translator co-ordinators are Gabriella Sacco and Janaina Matter.

What needs translating?

The highest priority for translation is information about Magalena festivals and events, which appear on the home page of the website, and the monthly email newsletter texts which are usually published as news or blog posts on this site. After that, any background and archival information that hasn't yet been translated, or that needs updating - many translations need updating from time to time. There's always something to be translated!

Click here to see what needs translating right now.

How are the translations done?

The first thing to do is to create an account on this website, then email to volunteer as a translator. Once you have been given Translator status on the website, you will see an additional tab in the editing menu, "Translate".

Note: if there is no "Translate" button, it means that the language setting for that page or post has been left as "Language neutral." A language needs to be selected for the post or page to be translatable.

Translate button

Click on Translate and you will see a list of the existing translation options, along with a link to either edit an existing translation, or add a translation if there isn't already one. Where a translation needs to be updated, it will be marked with "outdated" in red. Click on the button to edit or add, and you can input your translation directly.

translations list
