Transit translations need updating

hi dear translators,

happy new year :)

we have been super busy getting the website upgrade finished, & it's now live - yippee! in the process of testing & fixing things during the upgrade, i noticed that a lot of translations are out of date. do any of you have time to do a bit of updating & translating?

most urgent is the português & español pages for the transit festival: there is a new letter from julia, which is on the english page ( and it's quite a bit longer than what is on the translated pages. so the letter needs to be translated & either sent to me, or added to the pages:

some other pages that have been updated and/or need translation are:

in português:

in español:

there are probably lots of other places on the site where translations need to be updated, and possibly links have broken. feel free to correct things as you find them, or let me know.

your existing log-ins should still work, & you can edit the pages directly yourself - click on the "editar" tab. the upgrade means there is a new interface for editing - if you have done any editing before you will hopefully find that the new interface is easier :)

we are also still reconfiguring the groups & notifications, so at the moment you can't make a reply to this post. please email me ( if you are going to translate something & i'll add a note here about what page you are translating, so hopefully we won't have multiple people doing the same page.


helen : )

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