Passable Theatrical Territories 2019
Directed by Gregorio Amicuzi
October 1st till 6th of 2019
III International meeting about theory and practice of the performing arts.
Masters present:
Else Marie Laukvig of the Odin Teatret (Denmark) and Chiara Crupi (Odin Teatret Film), Jean-Jacques LemêtreThéâtre du Soleil (France), Jarosław Fret director of Grotowski Institute and of Teatr ZAR (Poland), Claudia Contin Arlecchino (Italy), Revanta Sarabhai of Darpana Academy of No Violence (Ahmedabad- India), Agustín Parra Grondona, performer and professor of University of Antioquia (Medellín- Colombia), Luis Ibar director of Cartaphilus Teatro (México), Gregorio Amicuzi and Viviana Bovino of Residui Teatro company (Spain-Italy)
The international company Residui Teatro organizes in Madrid the third edition of the TTT - Transitable Theatrical Territories, an international meeting that aims to reflect on the possible paths of theatre, the poetics and the transformation that the performing arts entail on a personal and community level.
The TTT was born with the intention of the international company Residui Teatro to offer the city of Madrid an innovative meeting dedicated to training and meeting with great international masters.
The actors, directors and members of:
Abraxa Teatro (Italy), A3 Teatr (Poland), Teatr Brama (Poland), CCIC La Tortuga (Spain), Auló (Italy), PV-Bachi da Setola Festival (Italy), THEATRO EF (Greece) , theater organization LES SOUTERRAINES (France), Lunazione (Italy), art-education organization PINA (Slovenia), art-education organization Sistem and Generation (Turkey), Shoshin (Romania), State of Grace (UK) , Tortilla (France), ZID (Netherlands), ΟΜΜΑ ΣΤΟΥΝΤΙΟ (Crete).
Info and registration: +34648665194 - info@residuiteatro.it
Organized by: RESIDUI TEATRO