odd thing about searching by email

for ages there has been a bounce on an email address rryjass@yaho.fr whenever i send an email to the translators group.

when i search for this email address in the member search, it doesn't find anything.

tonight i realised that it must just be that an o is missing (should be rryjass@yahoo.fr), & i looked in the translator group & managed to work out whose email address is was. i've corrected it so hopefully we won't have that bounce anymore, but what is strange is that still when i search for that email in the member search, it doesn't find that member.

normally when i search by email it finds the person. so it's just a wierd thing & i'm only noting it here so that after the upgrade i can remember to check & see if this is still happening (& in case agnez is completely bored one day & wants a challenge to find out why an email address might not be findable ;) )