hidden captcha

we are getting so many spam registrations that i decided to try disabling the hidden captcha module & see whether the ordinary captcha thing on its own is more effective at deterring those irritating spammers ... we can monitor it & see whether we need to try something else.


i've had a look at the captcha alternatives that agnez suggested:


the problem with all of these, i think, is that they are still all aimed at stopping bots - whereas our spam problem is, i think, humans who are completing the forms. i have researched & it seems that there are spam companies that will pay people per registration, to sign up manually at sites. so we need a way to stop or discourage human spam registratants, without making it too difficult for genuine users ... sigh ...

the only common thing that i can see about the spam registrations we are getting, is that they tend to use the same letter combination for each of username, first name, middle name & surname. i thought about trying to find a way to not allow this, e.g. that the first name and surname can't be the same - but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to do this through the admin interface.

so i am trialling the addition of a new required field, "Why do you want to join the Magdalena Project?" - asking them to say in a few sentences what is their interest & past involvement. this won't stop spammers but maybe it will be one more thing to slow them down ...

if this doesn't make any difference (we are currently getting 3-6 spam registrations per day) then i would like to try & find some way to prevent the name fields being the same thing (it's possible but unlikely that we'll get a user who really does have two names the same) & perhaps have something that, when someone tries to enter the same name, temporarily blocks them from the site for a period of a few hours. as far as i can see, something like this doesn't exist, but there is quite a bit of discussion about human spam so i will join that thread & contribute this idea.

actually i have just tested the registration form, & didn't encounter any captcha field. i know that we had hidden captcha, which meant that only bots would fill it in, but i thought i had disabled this & that a human-visible captcha field should be there. but it seems that there is no captcha at all working at the moment. i've looked at all the settings & can't work out why it isn't showing up on the registration form.