


You are cordially invited to the

Magdalena Australia Australian Theatre Forum Lunch

Thursday September 15; 1 - 2 p.m.
Graffiti Room, Brisbane Powerhouse
BYO lunch to share

This is a great opportunity for those who have not been able to attend or link into the Australian Theatre Forum to come along and meet women artists who have come from around Australia, as well as connecting with our own Brisbane colleagues and friends.

Magdalena festivals are wonderful comming-together times, when women from all over the world converge for a short, intense period of performances, workshops, presentations, conversations and meals. There are reunions after many years, new encounters, and the pleasurable translation of knowing-by-email into physical meetings. But for every participant at a Magdalena festival, there are many more within the network who are not at the festival.

From today on The Magdalena Project will aslo have a Vimeo account, named: THE MAGDALENA PROJECT!

There we will all be able to upload videos from our festival!

The launch featured a presentation by Susan Bassnett, the launch of the anniversary book TheMagdalenaProject@25 - Legacy and Challenge, and the launch of the new web site,

Following the opening we were treated to the performances "The Threat of Silence" directed by Jill Greenhalgh, and "Dream Through Your Singing Mouth" by Helen Chadwick.

How do we define professional when it comes to theatre or, more broadly, the performing arts in general?

It’s a question I’ve tussled with on many occasions and one where I find myself constantly refining and changing my answer. If we look to dictionaries, they tend to define professional as being the level or standard of competence expected of a professional, which means professional work in theatre is about the quality of the work.

In June, I went rather spontaneously to the Prague Quadrennial; i knew quite a few people who would be there, & when Suzon offered a free bed where she was staying, I decided to go. I'd never been to Prague before & the festival seemed like it would be a good time to discover it - and it was.

The theme of this year's Transit is peripheries - of all kinds, geographic, artistic, cultural, etc. in my presentation i talked about my own peripherical work, on the edge of theatre & also on the edge of digital art. i also talked about peripherals - things you attach to your computer to expand its capabilities such as a printer, web cam, external hard-drive, etc. periphical things have important roles to play in relationship to the centre(s) as well as to each other.


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