
In a period like the one we are living in, permeated by the absurd experience of Covid, this worldwide political wave that does not protect anything that is essential, such as nature that surrounds us, how can I be present and still believe in a future? I asked myself this about three years ago, both as a person and as an artist, and I also came to the point where I asked myself why I make theatre.

reflections from the Reverbe Meeting/2022 and an invitation to discuss


Ya-Ling Peng writes about her project of investigation into Hakka culture and poetry, from women's perspectives.


Jill Greenhalgh ponders that, as we emerge from the pandemic into the new year, we are perhaps new people inhabiting new landscapes, having passed through the ‘portal’ as Arundhati Roy suggested.

Maria Porter ponders how to present Transit festival documentation, and longs to hear your voices ...

Zoe Gudović writes about Ženergija, the radio podcast celebrating women, queers, art, activism and resistance, that she has now been producing for 18 years.