The next AT:HOME:LIVE:
Sunday 9 May
08:00 EST (Eastern North America), 08:00 Chile, 9:00 Curitiba (Brasil)
14:00 CET (Europe), 20:00 Singapore, 22:00 Brisbane (Australia)
find your local time here.
Programme Launch: BODIES:ON:LIVE
Magdalena:On:Line Festival, 24-27 June 2021
Activity: Violeta Luna
Click here to enter AT:HOME #7
Meeting ID: 930 7939 5835
Passcode: athome
AT:HOME:LIVE is an opportunity for Magdalenas around the world to gather and speak about what is important for each of us right now - in particular, how you have managed to continue (or not) or to change your artistic practice during and after the pandemic. It is a time for sharing and exchange, for coming together despite physical distancing, cancelled events, closed borders and travel restrictions.
AT:HOME:LIVE takes place in Zoom and is open for two hours on the second Sunday of the month, with a rotating start time in order to cater to the various time zones we are in.
If you have not used Zoom before, here is a video with tips to help you. It's also possible to join a Zoom meeting via a web browser, if you can't or don't want to install the Zoom application.
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AT:HOME:LIVE is a precursor to BODIES:ON:LIVE, the online Magdalena festival in June 2021.
Organising team: Elizabeth de Roza, Helen Varley Jamieson, Christina Papagiannouli, Janaina Matter, Karin Ahlstrom, Nur Khairiyah, Suzon Fuks, Zoe Gudović.