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M. B. Gale and Dorney, K., Stage women, 1900-50: Female theatre workers and professional practice. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019, p. 328.
P. Baul and Ramanathaiyer, S., Tantidhatri One. Trivandrum, India: Ekathara Kalari, 2016, p. 108.
M. Naspolini, Teatro feito por mulheres é tema de encontro mundial, Jornal A Notícia , Florianópolis, 2004.
G. Adams, Aniksdal, G., Greenhalgh, J., and Varley, J., TheMagdalenaProject@25 - Legacy and Challenge. Holstebro: The Open Page Publications, 2011.
V. Ann Cremona, Galli, F., and Varley, J., THINKING WITH THE FEET / PENSARE CON I PIEDI. Holstebro: Odin Teatret, 2017.
S. D'Agostino, On Tiptoe a Santa Clara. Rome: Bulzoni Editore, 2010, p. 170.
S. D'Agostino, On tiptoe en Santa Clara, Tablas. La Revista Cubana de Artes Escénicas, vol. LXXXVIII, no. n.1, 2008.
C. Castrillo, Tracce – le mappe di un mestiere. Lugano: Edizioni Ulivo, 2015.
L. Sykes, Transit Festival at Odin , New Theatre Quarterly, vol. Vol. IX, no. n. 36 , pp. pp.390-392, 1993.
J. Karabekir, Türkiye’de Kadınlarla Ezilenlerin Tiyatrosu: Feminist Bir Metodolojiye Doğru. Istanbul: Agora Kitapligi, 2015.
M. Naspolini, Uma trama de fios interculturais: considerações sobre o legado do Projeto Magdalena, DAPesquisa, Centro de Artes Magazine - UDESC, vol. 8, 2011.
C. Castrillo, Una isla que recoge los náufragos que todavía sueñan, Tablas. La Revista Cubana de Artes Escénicas , vol. Vol. LXXVIII, no. n.1, 2005.
M. Naspolini, Una mirada hacia la Red, Primer Acto. Cuadernos de investigación teatral, no. n. 341, pp. pp.92-95, 2011.
S. D'Agostino, Un'isola chiamata Magdalena, Leggendaria, vol. 92, 2012.
C. Fry, The Way of Magdalena. Holstebro: Odin Teatrets Forlag/ Open Page Pubblications. , 2007.
C. Fry, The Way of Magdalena. Holstebro: Open Page Publications, 2007.
H. V. Jamieson, We collaborate [t]here: processes of networked collaboration, in Intersecting Art and Technology in Practice: Techne/Technique/Technology, Routledge, 2017.
G. Kehoul, When the Spectator Talks Back: The Development of Practical Wisdom and an ‘ethics of care’ within the Magdalena Talks Back Network, Conference of the Australasian Association for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies. Australia, 2008.
J. Risum, A woman watching and writing, The Magdalena Newsletter, no. n.11 , p. p.3. , 1993.
G. Christou, De Angelis, A., Fordham, C. Todd, Lewenstein, R., Pinnock, W., Ridings, S., Siân, J., Wertenbaker, T., and Parrish, S., Women Centre Stage: Eight Short Plays By and About Women. Nick Hern Books, 2018, p. 152.
B. Luci Carvalho, Varley, J., and Czertok, N., Women Performing Europe - The Magdalena Project Across Borders, 2022.
