
At long last

In 2011, I wrote this article about the Magdalena Project's 25th Anniversary that was published in the December 2011 issue of American Theatre magazine.  I am finally posting it.

You can read it here

My hope was that more artists in the United States would find the Magdalena Project and opt to participate. I don't know if that has happened, but I was so happy to have been able to spend time with many of you in Cardiff. 

all the best,

       Theatre for Social Development in Afghanistan:


Inspired by the overwhelming response from women in prisons in Herat, Kabul, and Jalalabad, Bond Street Theatre are creating a program specifically for Afghan women's prisons and juvenile centers.  

Autumn 2012


live streams and video documentation

We know that not all of WPI’s members will be able to come to the conference in Stockholm. For you, and other interested, there’s an unique opportunaty. Attend the conference on your computer! Three key notes and one seminar will be streamed. On Monday 6th August you’ll find all the info at the WPIC web site:

You don’t need any special computer demands but good Internet speed is recommended.

live streaming and video documentation

We know that not all of WPI’s members will be able to come to the conference in Stockholm. For you, and other interested, there’s an unique opportunaty. Attend the conference on your computer! Three key notes and one seminar will be streamed. On Monday 6th August you’ll find all the info at the WPIC web site:

You don’t need any special computer demands but good Internet speed is recommended.

Double Edge Theatre will hold it's Fall 2012 Training for Professional and Emerging Artists from September 7 - November 23, 2012.  Apply Today, small scholarships available for international artists.


Invitation to an informal show & tell
